Thursday 10 March 2011

100-word letter: A stolen heart

I don't tend to do much personal blogging, as I'm pretty enigmatic and I just don't like talking about myself.

Breaking this rule for once, I was moved to quickly stream off an entry to a bloggers' 100-word letter competition (I like letters, me, see). The object is to write 100 words to someone, anyone of your choosing - so go on, you know you want to try it too!

Mine was inspired by a real incident which happened about a month ago and I've been bottling up since.

I hope you like it... and hopefully it will uncork that rare elixir of blogging again.

To my mystery man,
Though I never caught your name, still you conjure images of transient romance and a life lived on the edge.
I won't ever forget those few snatched moments for they are etched into my memory.
You didn't ask my name, yet that wouldn't change a thing.
Your caring nature was immediately evident just as your concern for animal welfare was obvious.
Your rough hands were passionate with desire and your eyes pulsated with a sense of destiny.
Nobody could resist the deep urging you instilled.
It was primal.
It was pure.
It was intense.
But it was fleeting.
Now give me back my wallet.

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