Tuesday 29 December 2009

Cultures of Change

I agree with the claim that former chief editor of BBC Sport Mihir Bose is an astute political commentator within his field, but I still don't think he tells the whole story.

For example, here he muses that multiculturalism is a necessary reaction to the failure of monoculturalism to provide world-class education.

But this isn't an argument against having an attachment to historic roots and traditions within itself - it is an argument against the tendency within a culture that is overly attached to traditions for traditions sake to become more attached to the ritual than the process it represents.

In other words conservatism as a political philosophy isn't opposed to education, but the emphasis it places is tipped against expanding knowledge and learning from mistakes.

So when it comes to reforming the political system I find myself agreeing with Nick Clegg that both Labour and Conservatives 'parrot the language of change' as a means to desperately cling on to power in ways which are damaging to the culture and economiy of the nation.

Returning to the football context, it is no good for the manager to simply mouth the right words or bring in a different face because whatever you call the philosophy you take onto the pitch the game is still about getting results.

For political parties to measure their relative success in terms of winning seats and elections is a miserable distraction from the real issues which interest ordinary people - it's akin to the chairman counting his profits while staring at an empty trophy case!

Now I know tories argue that the means are more important than the motives, but unless you are clear about explaining your motives in full you will lose any means you may have had.


Cultures of change

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