Tuesday, 13 January 2009

A green field at its' heart.

I like this aerial photograph and plan of the proposed Heathrow expansion. It really gives a sense of what all the talk is about, so much so that I thought it deserving of it's own post and split it from my comment on the politics of the plans.

Several celebrity supporters have bought a plot at the heart of the development area in order to try and create an additional means of resisting the development if the plans are given the go-ahead.

Title to the area of land, which is about half the size of a football field, has been shared between multiple different high profile protesters including Susan Kramer MP and Justine Greening MP, of the LibDems and Conservatives respectively.

If the plan is accepted such a move is an effective bulwark against the development giving the protesters a means to play for time as negotiations for the purchase of the land can be protracted almost indefinitely.

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